FLS is located in Kristiansund municipality. The company is a leader in fish welfare for the farming industry, and has a number of large customers in Norway, Canada, Chile, Scotland and the Faroe Islands. FLS is specialized in the mechanical handling of farmed fish. The main products are de-lice systems and fish counters that are extremely gentle on the fish. The result is fish with a low stress level, very low mortality and top class fish welfare. The company is growing strongly, and currently has 29 employees divided between administration, marketing, engineers, computer technicians, welders and fitters. If no positions are advertised below, you can send us an open application, we always need skilled and committed employees.

If no positions are advertised below, you can send us an open application, we always need skilled and committed employees.
Positions Department Appl. deadline More about the position
Service technician After sales 30.09.2023 Read more and apply here 
Open application General N/A Apply here.

If you have any questions about the position, please contact Lars Georg Backer on telephone 958 99 811.